
These Raisins Put it Down the Middle Every Time...

I have a new favorite commercial. You have to hand it to Heineken; despite not being a particular fan of their product (I'm more of a Belgian beer guy), they have some great advertisements.

The most recent series of ads (featuring a couple of 30-ish guys who win the lotto and move to a retirement community in Florida to live the "easy life") are, in my opinion, the best commercials out there now (I will literally stop fast-forwarding the DVR and rewind to the beginning of the spot so I can watch the full 30 seconds).

The latest in the ad series has the guys on the golf course, teeing-off with their new retiree pals. The opening line: "Wanna learn how to play golf? Play with old guys. These raisins put it down the middle every time" is not as much a slam on old guys as it is showing them respect. Mr. 30-something explains that since one of his new geriatric buddies (a former WWII sniper) slowed down his swing, he's adjusted to a "more mature game."

He effortlessly smacks one down the fairway. Another retiree uses his range-finder to gauge the distance - he enthusiastically announces, "156!" It's at this point when I begin chuckling uncontrollably - much to the chagrin of my wife, who is next to me on the couch. "I don't get it." she says. I try to explain how older-types hit it short but straight and how that usually bests the younger guns, who typically spray it like they're dousing the rough with DDT (of course, I first have to explain to her that 156 yards is not very far for a tee-shot).

Being a non-golfer, my wife still finds it humorless. But this is what I love about that commercial - it's not just an ad that features golf, but an ad geared toward golfers - anyone who doesn't play doesn't get it.

I've posted previously about my great uncle (coincidentally, also a WWII vet) who would usually beat me despite my ability to out-drive him by 60 yards or more. No matter how addicted we are to distance, a slower swing usually results in more consistent scores.

So here's to all the golfers out there with senior-flex shafts and a more "mature" game - I'll meet you on the green...right after I walk through poison ivy, shank one off a tree trunk and check myself for ticks.


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