
Why Golf, Why?

Ok, so I have another issue with this torture-inflicting game called golf that I love so much - our relationship. It's true, we are suckers for abuse. The worse you treat us the more difficult it is to stay away.

You know that friend you may have secretly liked but they were so wrapped up in a crappy relationship with an abusive a-hole and everybody saw it except them? Well, I'm the friend and golf is the abusive a-hole.

I went and checked out some classic signs of a bad relationship and it's just as I suspected:
  • Lack of Trust - How do you trust someone (or thing) that lets you down a lot? Hey, I know I could practice more but, WTF. How about showing some love once in a while? Maybe a kick towards the fairway instead of the woods.
  • Disrespect - Not treating the other person like they are important. Golf, do you know how it feels when all I do is try to take care of you and in return you do stuff like give me 10 on a par 3?
  • Fear of Change - I can't change now. I've invested too much into this already, plus softball messes with my swing.
  • Physical or Emotional Abuse - Do I need to go here?

But wait, there is good news! With a little help, we can develop a healthy, happy relationship with golf once again. It may take a little time but we can do it. Get back in that driver's seat and own what's yours! Who wears the knickers in this relationship...? That's right - we do!

Personally, I look to players like Phil Mickelson and John Daly for inspiration. These guys have had their share of ups and downs. They should be counselors with all the real life experience they have. If there's one thing I can take away from all of this - it's to have fun. Don't sweat the small stuff and enjoy your time together.

Hit'em long...yell FORE! Don't get whipped...


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