
Tax Season Golfer.

The new year has Auld Lang Syne'd it's way in bringing the resolutions and all that other happy horse crap with it. For some, the new year means a fresh start, for others it's a reason for self-improvement and for a distinct group...tax refund time! This group can easily be recognized. They were the ones that spent their lunch hour on turbotax.com the day they got their W-2's.

I'm not knocking them, I was once a part of that group. Actually, I wish I could go back to those days...so much simpler. W-2 came in, W-2 got filed, done. Not to mention it also meant golf season was getting closer. You know, I couldn't wait to get my refund check because it just so happened that some of the golf shops were still selling off last seasons stuff at discount prices and I just happened to have a little extra income, how convenient.

How times have changed. I used to be able to take a good chunk of that refund and apply it to golf and all that associated with it. Today, if I get a refund, golf and golf related stuff doesn't quite sit so high on the priority list. I guess real life gets in the way. The dream of making the tour has faded and at least I can say it's not because I didn't try, it's because I suck at golf.

The most important part for me is that golf season is approaching. Considering it's been a milder winter than normal, it looks as if I'll be getting out sooner. Oh, and to update you on
my visit to Narnia in my post two weeks ago, I fought off the evil dudes, cast a couple spells, restored it back to normal and found my golf clubs. What does this have to do with tax refunds? I don't know...I was just going off a little.

Last year's golf season was a wash due to surgery and recovery but this year will be better. I didn't make a resolution this year either so why not start with one now to play more golf? This works because it's not a stretch. If I play 10 rounds it will exceed last years total. I like this resolution, it's something to look forward to.

Hit'em long...yell FORE!!!


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