
Golf On Super Bowl Sunday?

Well, that was my favorite day of the year. People always ask others, "What's your favorite holiday?" Generally I answer with Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, depending upon...well, actually I don't know what it depends upon. My answer just tends to change. But I think I'm going to start being more consistent with my response. From this point on, my answer is going to be Super Bowl Sunday.

After all, I think more people celebrate, or gather for Super Bowl Sunday than any other holiday. People of all race, religion and sex celebrate the championship game of the greatest spectator sport going. Even people who aren't really into football are there for the celebration! And whether the game is competitive or not, it doesn't make a difference. My eyes are pretty much glued to the TV until the final whistle...and then some.

But even on Super Bowl Sunday, I'll still make some time for another love - golf. Not a real round, it's too cold for that and it takes too long. I can't have any potential interruptions to either the game or the preparations leading up to it. I'm talking about indoor golf. Or, more specifically, the golf simulator.
,br>Now, I've mentioned before that I believe the simulator is more of a giant game video game than it is a useful tool. It's inaccurate distance-wise, doesn't have a real "golf course feel" obviously, and I'm not sure how accurate it is a far slices and hooks. But that doesn't make it any less fun! And much like regular golf, that's all I'm really there for. So when the invitation was extended earlier in the week, I was in immediately.

But I think using the simulator is more than just a game too. It's a way to get a few swings in over the winter. It will help me to stay in "golf shape" so I don't hit the course next season looking like I've never swung a club in my life. But then I think to myself..."Who am I kidding? I don't really give a crap about that. I just want to play a big video game!" I've still got a whole lot of kid in my heart, so the simulator is right up my alley...and I'm not going to pass up the opportunity.

But...the tee-time was beginning to cut things a little close. After all, it is Super Bowl Sunday still. But for the golf simulator I'm willing to risk cutting into a little bit of prep time. We had to change the tee-time twice. One more change and I may have had to backout. I have also mentioned before, for me, golf takes a backseat to football. And that's real golf! The simulator has no chance!

But I was there. I was there on Super Bowl Sunday. On the greatest day of the year for sports fans, I made sure to squeeze in a little bit of golf. Even if it was just a video game, nonetheless, I was there...

Swing 'til you're happy!


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