
5 Reasons Why they Hate Golf

I know it's hard to believe, but there are people in this world who simply hate the game of golf. Conceding that these folks are basically scoundrels, they still have a right to be haters.

And while those of us who read this blog simply adore the game, the haters have their reasons for considering golf a waste of good time, money and real estate.

So what are these reasons? I'm sure there are more, but I basically boiled-it-down to five big issues...Let's examine them:

Golf is Too Boring
Sure, you and I know that golf is about physically and mentally coming together to pull-off the perfect shot every time you hit the ball, but to non-golfers, it's a downright snore. Have you ever watched golf on TV? You have to admit, the commentators don't make it very exciting. And then the crowd (unless the shot is pretty awesome) is fairly subdued. Television aside, people that don't understand the game don't appreciate laying up on a par 5 or hitting a good lag on a long putt - it's all just rather ho-hum to them. These are the same people who also relate to the second one on this list...

Golf is Too Stupid
"Why would you want to chase a little white ball around for hours and hours?" How many times have you heard that one from a non-golfing friend or family member? To these folks, golf is just plain stupid. It boggles their mind on how you will actually pay to play this game. You can explain all the things you love about golf but it will probably fall upon deaf ears - let them think what they wish.

Golf is Too Slow
OK, we golf lovers may actually agree with this one. But we're upset over something taking five hours that should only take four. For non-golfers, three hours would be too long. Look, the reality is, when you don't necessarily like something, you want it to be over as soon as possible. But could it be too painful for these people rather than too slow? See below...

Golf is Too Hard
Do you have that friend who has to be great at everything he or she does? It's the best to get these people out on the golf course and watch them shank and slice their way back to the clubhouse for the first and last time. "How do you play this game?" they'll ask as they proclaim you'd have to be crazy to fork over hard-earned cash without ever having a chance to go pro. Yes my non-golfing friends, golf is hard. But that's what's so fun about it! One man's torture is another's comfort.

Golf is Too Expensive
This has a ring of truth to it. When you compare the costs of playing golf with playing, say, any other recreation sport, golf will (over the course of the season) cost you more. This can mostly be attributed to greens fees, which all recreational golfers must fork-over before teeing off. And this is probably why golf has been (and continues to be) called a "rich man's" game. But I don't think that label is necessarily fair. For example, I'm by no means "rich" yet I can still afford to play once a week (granted I'm not playing Pebble Beach every week). But hey, when you have a passion for something, you figure out how to work it into your life. Perhaps golf is expensive, but too expensive? Not if you love it.

So to all you golf haters that may stumble across this post...remember: Before you tell that golfer in your life his or her favorite sport is boring, slow and stupid - consider this joke: Two guys are walking down the first fairway at the local club and one man says to the other; "My wife told me if I don't quit golfing, she's gonna divorce me...God I'm going to miss her."


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