
How to Rate a Golf Course

Have you ever written a review for a golf course? Ever wanted to? Well, we've just made it super easy: You may know that we here at Golfstinks recently launched our golf course database (that's it there at the top right-hand side of the page).

The database features more than 18,000 courses in the United States, nearly 2,000 courses in Canada, and a select few in 19 other countries. But we didn't stop there - we also built-in a way for you to rate and review said courses. So how does it work?

Well, we begin with five criteria:

  • Difficulty
  • Grooming
  • Layout
  • Scenery
  • Hospitality

    Each criteria is rated based on a 5-star scale, but we include half stars too, so you get 10 options to choose from!

    Right off the bat you'll notice the Golfstinks rating system is unique in that "Difficulty" is based on balls lost. Let's face it - that's how average hacks think about it - if I lost two sleeves on the front nine alone, that's a tough course!

    "Grooming" is self-explanitory - rate it from bad to good. Rate "Layout" from simple to intricate. For "Scenery" is it ugly or pretty? And is the staff wearing a frown or a smile for "Hospitality"?

    After the 5 main criteria, there is an "Overall" rating to sum things up. But you may notice we didn't include price as a criteria. This is a bit of a touchy subject - while price is clearly a factor in deciding whether to play a course or not, should it be included in summarizing what a course has to offer in terms of quality? Some say yes, others no. What we say is if price is a big factor for you, let your "Overall" rating reflect that. Thought it was too pricey? Knock the "Overall" rating down a half-star (or whatever you think would be fair).

    After you rate the course, feel free to write a review. This is your chance to explain why you rated it what you did. Plus the more you rate and review courses, you might become a "top" reviewer in your area. You can be featured on the new national homepage (coming soon) and have a chance to win sweet golf prizes!

    Finally, you may have read the results of our golf course survey. Well, we plan on using those results to weight each criteria. As multiple people rate each course, it will generate an average score and then, we will rank that average score against the other courses (both in-state and nationally).

    It make take some time for people to rate all the courses in our database, but eventually, you'll be able to logon to golfstinks.com, run a course search on a particular state and sort them all by rank - so you don't have to waste your time figuring out which course is the best!

    Yep, this really is a golf revolution we're starting here. Get on board now by going to our registration page and joining for free.


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