
So What's Next, An Internet Golf Lesson?

If you're anything like me, you have a pretty busy schedule. Between a 45+ hour work week, three kids, my wife and and her busy schedule...I just don't have a lot of spare time on my hands.

Believe it or not, sometimes I don't even have time to play golf (even nine holes)! So the last thing I have the time (or money) for is a golf lesson! It may sound crazy, but I just don't have that extra hour to spare, especially at around $60 a pop.

I'll admit though, I don't really try to make the time for a golf lesson because, well...it's not really a high priority. I play golf for fun. Not to be a pro. I probably play softball more often than golf, but I've never considered hiring a batting coach! So why would I consider doing it for golf?

That being said, I would still like to play a little better. I would like to make that slice I have go away. I'd like to be a bit more consistent. But I sure don't want to pay a healthy chunk of my paycheck to do it. So where does someone like me turn? How about the same place people turn for just about everything else...the internet. Now I know what you're thinking - "How can you get a legitimate golf lesson on the internet?" I'll tell you how - quickly, easily, efficiently and inexpensively - that's how. And that's exactly what I found in my experience with www.fixyourgame.com/.

PGA Pro and Director of Instruction Brant Kasbohm has created a golf instruction website that is incredibly easy to use, very informative and amazingly affordable. All that's required is a video of your swing from both behind and face-on and $19.95. After emailing my video and filling out the "Get Started" page, all I had to do was wait, and the wait wasn't long. Less than 36 hour later, I had received an email back. Contained in the email was a breakdown of some of the problems with my swing (posture, weight transfer and swing path) along with potential fixes. Now I know what you might be thinking; you can't learn much from an email. I might as well have just picked up a magazine, right? Wrong.

Also included in the email were the videos I sent in, side-by-side with video of Brant himself, for the purposes of comparing my swing to his. I should mention, our swings are about as close as you can get to night and day. The personalized videos, complete with Brant's voice over, play like a tutorial rather than just simply watching a video of a proper swing vs. well, not a very good one. Brant breaks down my swing frame-by-frame to help point out exactly where I'm going wrong.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I've learned more about my swing in that 8 minute and 39 second video than from anyone, pro or otherwise, who has looked at my swing before. And when I take into consideration it took me no more than $20 and a few minutes to video my swing, www.fixyourgame.com is a no-brainer.

So if you're like me, you don't have the time or money, or you're just not that interested in getting a full-on lesson, then www.fixyourgame.com is an excellent site to check out. It's informative, inexpensive and takes very little time or effort on your part.

The following day, I had already started trying to work some of the fixes into my swing during a nine hole round. Let's just say its going to take some getting used to. But thanks to Brant and the team at Fixyourgame.com, I can tell I'm on the right path.

Swing 'til you're happy!


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