
First Golf Round of the New Season...And a Quick Mention of Tiger

OK, so before I get started I guess I have to quickly get into the "Tiger spoke, so I'm obligated to make mention of it" frame of mind. It's his first actual interview since the show he put on for his statement, and it started out with some promise.

I'm told by the ESPN anchor that this is a "no-holds barred, no question off-limits interview." Great! That's kind of what everyone wanted in the first place right? Of course, two of the first three questions were not answered as they were "private matters" for Tiger. There were three questions in total answered this way. I understand they are private matters, and should remain so, but don't tell me it's a "no question off-limits" interview if it's actually not. Well, I guess the questions can be asked...but you're not necessarily going to get an answer.

But my favorite part of this latest Tiger episode was this exchange:

Tom Rinaldi: Why not seek treatment before all of this came out?
Tiger: I didn't know I was that bad.
Rinaldi: How did you learn you were that bad?
Tiger: Stripping away denial, stripping away rationalization.

What?! You didn't know you were that bad? Has anyone else been following this story? Has anyone else seen the text messages that were released? He knew EXACTLY what he was doing. The guy acted like he was on a top-secret, James Bond-like, covert mission for cryin' out loud! And as for the second question..."stripping away denial, stripping away rationalization" - Hey buddy...you got caught!! Stop making excuses! Just come out and say it - "I didn't learn...I got caught!!!"

This is not what I wanted to talk about today, but for heaven's sake, when the most honest man among athletes is Jose Canseco...we have a real problem.

I digress.

What I really wanted to talk about was my first time out on the course this year. See, here in Connecticut, we've had about a week's worth of unseasonably warm temperatures and beautiful days. Mid-to-upper 60's (even cracking 70 a couple of times), sunny, light breeze...perfect golf weather! Hey, the weather is great, it's the first day of spring...why not make it the first day of golf also? I can't remember the last time I played golf in March. Actually, I may have never played this early! So I called up Stinky Golfer Greg to see if he has time to squeeze in nine holes. Lucky for me, he does.

We're both fired up to get back out there, break-out the sticks, and show this course what we've got! But once out there, we're quickly reminded what the long winter lay-off has done to our games. I'm not a great golfer by any means to begin with, and I went to the range only once during the off-season. Greg didn't go at all. We're both out of "golf shape," and it's showing. Nevertheless, we push on.

By roughly the fourth or fifth hole, we come to realize we are not only out of golf shape, but we haven't yet shed ourselves of the extra "winter weight" yet. We begin a bit of huffin' and puffin'. Note to self: For future first-rounds-of-the-season...take a cart.

When all nine holes were said and done...we both played like it was our first time out...ever! But the best part is, neither of us cared. We were out on the course, early in the new season no less, and that was all that really mattered. We didn't really care all that much what the scorecard told us. It didn't much matter that, next to Greg's name, it appeared as if I was writing in binary code a few times. It also didn't matter that my final tally may have appeared a bit closer to an area code than a golf score. No...what really mattered was being out there in the first place. Nice weather, hanging with a friend, conversation, laughs, clubs in hands, hacking our way through a track. This is what it's all about.

So here's to the promise of a new season...and the disappointment it will ultimately render in October.

Swing 'til your happy, friends!


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