
Golf's Virtual Sticks And Stones

Composure as defined by the dictionary means "the state of being calm and in control of oneself."

As a pro golfer, composure should be a part of your mental and physical being. Nothing bothers me more than someone who has been blessed with success but acts like a 3rd grader.

Recently, Rory McIlroy and golf analyst/commentator Jay Townsend got into a heated little tit for tat via Twitter. Apparently, McIlroy's round at the Irish Open wasn't up to par (sorry). Before I get into it, here's what went down:

Townsend tweeted "McIlroy's course management was shocking..." "It was some of the worst I have ever seen beyond -10 boys' golf competition,"

McIlroy retaliated with "Shut up...you're a commentator and failed golfer, your opinion means nothing."

What the f$#@ is wrong with you two?!?! First of all, a tweet argument is just as bad as a text fight with your significant other...fexting if you will. Secondly, you are professionals and represent a select few that can play golf or commentate on it to earn a living. And a substantial living at that.

The only reason I'm writing about this is because golf doesn't need any negative attention. Like it or not Rory, you are role model now to a lot of kids. I understand you are still young but if you are big enough to win the US Open, you should be big enough to act like a champion.

Just my $0.02...

Hit'em long...yell FORE!!!


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